New posts in infinitive-constructions

It is not + noun + to infinitive

That lawn will be a bear to maintain. - what types of construction is this?

Is "make me to go" grammatical? [closed]

"Love to see this happen?" or 'Love to see this happens?" What's the grammar rule behind this? [closed]

omission of semantic subject

Should this verb be in the third-person singular form, the infinitive form, or the present participle form? [duplicate]

Active perfect infinitive

You can have 'it is important to do X'; can you have 'it is urgent to do X'?

Matrix clause or infinitival clause?

Pseudo-cleft sentences with the verbs of perception

Usage of infinitive or gerund

When should I use "to do" and "to doing"

What do you call 'be-to' constructions and are they acceptable English?

Is the "Actor" a Proper Element of an Infinitive Phrase?

When to use "whom" and "who" when the direct object is also doing an action

Are the infinitive phrases adverbial or adjectival in these sentences?

Is there such a thing as a future infinitive in English?

Question marks in titles, in particular those beginning 'How to ...'

Can "the idea" ever idiomatically take an infinitive?