New posts in transitivity

The semantic role of an object of a verb

'Meeting us' or 'meeting with us'?

Intransitive use of the verb to trigger

Is “bescumber” transitive or intransitive?

Is the verb 'inquire' bitransitive?

Using 'ride' vs. 'drive' when it comes to a motorcycle

Historical Basis for "To Graduate" Being Only a Transitive Verb

“To agree with someone”: is that prepositional phrase an adverbial or a nominal one?

Can adverbs be qualified as transitive/intransitive?

Is "We embraced." a complete sentence?

"The same X" and intransitive verbs

What kind of complementation for "be regarded"?

"Hover a link" vs "hover over a link" [closed]

"crash someone's couch” vs “crash on someone's couch”

The intransitive usage of "satisfy"

Transitivity of the verb "undertake"

People can ‘abide by’ the law, but can the law ‘abide people’?

Is the sentence “It provides people an easy way to communicate.” grammatically correct?

To lose someone something

"Suffer" vs. "suffer from"