New posts in intransitive-verbs

How to use "allow to do something" without mentioning a person?

Can "process" be used as an intransitive verb?

Use of "manifest" as an active verb

Intransitive use of the verb “reduce”

Verb transitivity in sentences with dummy subjects or with prepositions that look like dummy subjects

Is "reduce" transitive or intransitive?

Does a transitive verb always require a direct object?

Why is "look" transitive in "look you in the eye"?

"The same X" and intransitive verbs

Is "He died himself." a correct sentence?

Test for intransitivity of verbs?

Confusing incorrect question in my grammar book

Was 'offer' in "(...) that no way of reaching that place would offer, till (...)" used as an intransitive verb?

"impute" as an intransitive verb

Sit v. sit down

"Hover a link" vs "hover over a link" [closed]

Are YouTube creators using "enjoy" in a new intransitive sense?

Does one remonstrate another or does one remonstrate with another?

The intransitive usage of "satisfy"

Which sentence is grammatically correct lay or laid in this situation?