New posts in is-it-a-sentence

Sentence Fragment? "The [adverb] [noun] [verb], the [adverb] [noun] [verb]."

Can a gerund be used to start a question title? [duplicate]

Is "We embraced." a complete sentence?

Can there be a single word clause?

What do you call the sentence structure of “The X-er __, the Y-er __”?

Is "to [verb] will [verb]" a complete statement?

Can "But!" be a sentence?

Is "Please advise" a real sentence?

Is "Happy Birthday!" a complete sentence?

Can a sentence starting with "While, ..." be grammatically correct?

Can a sentence have two or more successive separate sentences in its womb?

Why are these titles grammatically correct? [duplicate]

Sentences with no verb

Is there a sentence that begins with “them”?

"The more, the merrier!" -- Is this a sentence? If not... what?

Shortest comprehensive sentence in English [closed]