New posts in correlative-comparatives

Unusual usage of 'no sooner ... than ...'

Grammar - Is this type of sentence structure correct [duplicate]

parallelism: the farther/the more [duplicate]

Sentence Fragment? "The [adverb] [noun] [verb], the [adverb] [noun] [verb]."

Is “A increases the bigger B becomes” a legal English sentence pattern? Is it really a disguised “the more X, the more Y” pattern?

What do you call the sentence structure of “The X-er __, the Y-er __”?

Is there a general name for this: "The more you X the more you'll Y"

How to elucidate a *speciously* threefold "correlative comparative" in written form

Writing - another phrase that could replace "goes beyond all bounds of decency"

Are all three of these sentences equally fine?

A questions about correlative comparatives

Use of definite article in "the more" and "the less"

Could you help me to do a syntax analysis of this sentence?

What are sentences like "the longer X, the more Y" called and can they be used in formal written English?