New posts in literature

Question about a sentence from the novel "Possession"

Is there a name for this literary device from James Baldwin and question about punctuation? [duplicate]

Be we all here?

In a Tale of Two Cities, Dickens says "in short, the period was so far like the present period" in the first paragraph of the first chapter [closed]

Meaning of "catch birds for"?

Is 'artisks' a word? (I met this word in 'The Invisible Man')

Would a computer program be considered literature? [closed]

what does "Let tomorrow wait its turn, today still has tonight on its side" mean? [closed]

What does "stepping over the necks of peasants" mean here?

What does this quote mean and how do you define it? [closed]

What is the meaning of this sentence in Lolita?

Meaning of this sentence in Lolita? [closed]

What do you call an abrupt, abstract ending to a sentence?

Usage of the word "bang" as in "bang the kettle" (Salvation Army) [closed]

What is a "Web tailer"?

Definition, Origin, and Extent of "Matter" as a title in Literature

What are dress-boxes in a theatre?

Looking for a well-known refrain or proverb indicating that some big trouble has just started

Does hunx have an origin?

Would the "Purple Fawn" in this context refer to a shop? [closed]