New posts in simile

Similes that do not make use of like or as

Not using 'like' for similes --- where does this come from? [closed]

What does "stepping over the necks of peasants" mean here?

Word / simile for a city in decay or in lawlessness

What is a better way of saying "building a building"?

Looking for a word meaning "two things maximally mirror each other in symbolism"

Does "with the descriptive noun of other noun" count as a simile?

Name for equivocal similes such as found in hip-hop lyrics?

What was so "hot" about hot cakes?

Can we use "next of kin" for things as a metaphor?

Alternative to SIMILE Timeline for timeline visualization? [closed]

Word for when something makes something else seems smaller in a relative manner

Colorful English equivalent for the French expression "mine de capitaine"

What is the opposite of a metaphorical barrier?

A phrase to describe the external spreading phase of some infection?

Describe a person who brags about difficulties

Is "fly like a bird" an example of collocation? [closed]

"Sober as a judge" vs. "Drunk as a lord". Why judge? Why lord?

What does the sentence "I lit a cigarette that tasted like a plumber's handkerchief" mean? [closed]

What is a good simile or metaphor for being swallowed in by a crowd, or being surrounded by people?