New posts in be

Be we all here?

Choose: Six years (seems, seem) too much time to build a house [duplicate]

Is "you are yourself" grammatically correct?

How do I say that one thing is another using active voice?

Be or Is? That is the question

"Electricity has a velocity (that is) as high as light’s (is)"

Why is "to" not appropriate before "be" in this situation?

Is the "be" redundant here?

What's to do? vs. What's to be done?

Term for the different uses of "are": one which applies an adjective independently, and one which denotes a relationship

What is the difference between "mean" and "be" in regards to mentioning words?

How to parse "this is so they can..."

What's going on in "I have been to the store many times"?

Use of is/are in sentences where you talk about two things - one singular and other plural

Is "is" an auxiliary verb in the sentence "My mum's bag is blue"? [duplicate]

How "much" emissions or how "many" emissions?

Could "are he" be correct?

how to use be and is/are hereby?

she tall, he a teacher, they at school - what will a native speaker undertand? [closed]

Why isn't there "is" in "They did it, thinking it more glamorous than..."?