Is the "be" redundant here?

Solution 1:

Question: Is the use of "be" in the following sentence incorrect? "I have never before heard that be said."

Yes, the use of "be" in that sentence is incorrect. Below are suggested ways to state the sentence correctly. Explanation or action taken is in [ ].

  1. I have never before heard that said. [The "be" is removed. The sentence sounds awkward though.]

1a. I have never heard that said before. [A derivative of No. 1, this version is less awkward because "before" has been moved to the end of the sentence.]

  1. I have never before heard that being said. ["be" is changed to "being."]

2a. I have never heard that being said before. [A derivative of no. 2, the sentence is now easier to read after moving "before" to the end of the sentence.]