New posts in hypercorrection

How do I say that one thing is another using active voice?

When proper usage impedes communication

Passive voice in academic writing; why is it not recommended? [duplicate]

What is passive voice misuse? [duplicate]

ESL text: "I notice similarities between myself and . . . ": Acceptable use of reflexive pronoun?

"Bring" versus "take" [duplicate]

Is the diphthong [ai] on a non-primary stressed syllable a hypercorrection? [closed]

Does 'symbolic' mean the same as 'symbolical', and should one be preferred?

"as much as you and I" vs. "as much as you and me" [duplicate]

Does an event happen 'then' in the past or 'there'

Active or Passive sentences [duplicate]

"high rate of speed" or "high speed" to mean going fast

Why is "hopefully" treated so mercilessly? [closed]

When to use passive and active voice [closed]

Is there a term for grammatical mistakes as a result of trying too hard?

Stative verbs in the continuous form?

Is using possessive pronouns after a name to show possession instead of apostrophe grammatical, like “John his car” for “John’s car”? [closed]

Is it ever worth the time and effort to correct someone else's grating grammatical mistakes? [closed]

Is using passive voice "bad form"?

Which is correct, "you and I" or "you and me"?