New posts in esl

Use of "which in part" - what grammar rule is involved? [closed]

Do you ever say "coffee with milk" or "coffee and milk"?

What is the word for the verb that signifies performing the action suggested by a given noun?

Which one is correct: 'She was the first woman ever elected as President' or 'She was the first woman ever to be elected as President'?

Which English words are commonly misused by non-native English speakers? [closed]

Dropping articles: "I have a little brother and little sister." - is this correct? [closed]

Name of the English speaking test where you have to describe a scene

ESL text: "I notice similarities between myself and . . . ": Acceptable use of reflexive pronoun?

What are the connotations of "there" in "hello/hi there"

Can you use “if past, then past”?

Get in vs. get on [duplicate]

Use of the definite article "the" before "church"

Why do non-native English users often spell "standard" as "standart"?

Why does "I was happy to do my homework" work, but "I was tired to do my homework" doesn't?