New posts in emotions

Single word for delightfully frustrated

Is there a word or a phrase for 'the ability to not get annoyed by someone who overly loves you'? [closed]

Word for silent expression of tickled shock at someone else's outburst

What is the difference between Disappointed and Disillusioned? [closed]

Why is it hard to convey tone of speech through text? [closed]

What are alternatives or metaphors for the idiom of discovering a "gold mine"?

A flood of emotions?

Single word: extremely frustrated, but relieved

Word for when you do something just because someone told you not to

Where can I get a list of all emotional words ranked?

The feeling when someone doesn't understand your meaning no matter how many different ways you explain it

What's the difference between feeling nauseated and feeling detestable?

Precise word to describe this feeling

Does it make sense to say "to be cross over something" with cross meaing annoyed?

Feeling like something impossible or paranormal is happening

Single word meaning 'funny if it weren't so sad' [duplicate]

Counterpart to Confidante: Word for Someone Crying out for Help

In search of an English word/phrase that describes the feeling when one feels stress from knowing important information that others do not

Is this emotion envy?

Is there a word to describe the feeling of being transfixed out of horror?