New posts in emotions

Is there a word for a solemn type of happiness, contentedness, or joy? [closed]

What word or expression describes the attitude of "if I can't have it, nobody can"? [closed]

What is the best word to describe the feeling of being nervous, intimidated, excited etc which may be felt upon meeting a person you greatly admire? [duplicate]

Fear of incrimination by inaction

Is there a synonym for "schadenfreude" that sounds more colloquial?

What is the word for a deep desire that was prohibited?

That persistent feeling / memory that stays with one after a profound dream?

Is Merriam-Webster wrong about sympathy and empathy?

What is a word for when you enjoy something, but wish you didn't. Or you don't want to enjoy something but you end up finding it funny anyway?

Word for a persistent fear of something actually leading to it being true [duplicate]

What emotion is the 'Mad Scientist' showing when they say "I'll show them all!"

What's a word for a positive kind of "envy" without the sense of resentment?

Why does "I was happy to do my homework" work, but "I was tired to do my homework" doesn't?