Where can I get a list of all emotional words ranked?

I am looking for a list of all emotional words ranked in terms of emotive / emotional value.

Where can I get it?

Or any site which gives a rating of a word typed.

Thank you!

Charles Egerton Osgood's book Cross-cultural universals of affective meaning (Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1975) contains an appendix which ranks several thousand affective words based on the semantic differential scale.

There are other sources for word corpus which contain frequencies of words that aren't broken out as 'emotional.' For instance:

-Corpus of Contemporary American English https://corpus.byu.edu/coca/

-Word frequency data: https://www.wordfrequency.info/

-Peter Norvig's exhaustive list of word frequencies http://norvig.com/google-books-common-words.txt

His website has other potentially useful lists http://norvig.com/