Which English words are commonly misused by non-native English speakers? [closed]

It's quite easy to find lists of commonly misused words. They are all over the internet. But it's not clear which of them are the MOST commonly misused words. This article says that there are 38 commonly misused words. But the words in this article are so obvious, like then and than, cant and can't. I am looking for something more meaningful!!! I found another article on Wikipedia which has a huge list of commonly misused words. But even native speakers don't know the half of these words!And it's just pointless to learn them all.

I am a non-native speaker. Please, tell me which MOST commonly misused words I should learn! Thank you all.

Solution 1:

This is your new bible, friend:

A Collection of Confusible Phrases By Yuri Dolgopolov

Will steer you away from many a trap, and give you a lifeline in dire straights, Scylla and Charybdis :-)

Outstanding. And I am not friends with the author, even though I was consulted by him, like many others, on various issues.

Solution 2:

One area I see non-native speakers have trouble with fairly often is correctly making the count/uncount distinction on nouns. For example, misusing "advice" as a count noun: "Do you have any advices" instead of "do you have any advice?" "Information" is another word like this.