New posts in copular-verbs

Choose: Six years (seems, seem) too much time to build a house [duplicate]

Sentence analysis (copula) [closed]

name of colour (noun or adjective) [duplicate]

What part of speech is "fun" in “Hiking is fun”?

“Thanksgiving was in four days”: something sounds funny!

Is a copula a function word?

Is "is" an auxiliary verb in the sentence "My mum's bag is blue"? [duplicate]

Adverbs of location after be verb

"I am I", "I am myself", or "I am me"? [duplicate]

Could "are he" be correct?

What kind of complementation for "be regarded"?

Which of these two sentences are correct, or are they both wrong? [closed]

How to parse the grammar of a sentence that appears to have two tensed verbs

Who do you think is I/me/you in the picture?

"This is allowed", is this passive voice?

"...I don't have money, but what I do have *are* a very particular set of skills." Is this correct?

"Her whole family IS/ARE biologists"? [duplicate]

Is "is" an auxiliary verb in the sentence "John is working now"?

Is this mixture of plural and singular legitimate?

Why is "be" the only English verb that inflects for grammatical person, not just for grammatical number like all the rest of them?