New posts in grammatical-roles

Where should an adverb be positioned when converting from active to passive? [closed]

What part of speech is 'stumble' in this sentence?

What’s the grammatical role of "for you" in "I am waiting for you"?

Is the word "moving" here a gerund or a present participle? [closed]

What is the grammatical construction behind the word "climbing" in the phrase "climbing wall" or the word "running" in the phrase "running" shoes?

What part of speech is "fun" in “Hiking is fun”?

“To agree with someone”: is that prepositional phrase an adverbial or a nominal one?

Can a bare infinitive ever modify (“act as an adjective”) a noun?

Confusing syntax in sentences with indirect object complements

Is it still an indirect object if you're taking something away?

The role of the gerund

t.v.+to+v analysis [closed]

Since and for, where can they be omitted?

What mean"subject" in the sentence?

In "experience teaching", is "experience" a noun adjunct?

Adjectives acting in the capacity of adverbs? Or just accumulative adjectives?

In “can hear singing”, is “singing” a verb or a gerund?

What is the gram­mat­i­cal term for “‑ed” words like these?

What is the role of "booms"?

Matrix clause or infinitival clause?