New posts in predicate-adjectives

Is “A increases the bigger B becomes” a legal English sentence pattern? Is it really a disguised “the more X, the more Y” pattern?

Can a phrasal adjective be placed AFTER a noun? [closed]

only linking verbs with predicate adjectives and nominatives?

Adjectives acting in the capacity of adverbs? Or just accumulative adjectives?

Is there a word to describe the portion of one's total funds that may be spent as opposed to the portion which must be held on to? [closed]

Adjectives used with intransitive verbs in lieu of adverbs

Is there a difference between "good" and "well" when they are connected to subject via linking verb? [duplicate]

The predicate nominative and the predicate adjective is to subjective complements as the ___ and the ___ is to objective complements

Non verbal predicates in English

How to tell the difference between predicate adjectives and action verbs

Can adjectives be placed in front of verbs, e.g. “The duck was busy diving for food”?

Is 'white' an adverb in "the lamp will flash white"?

Correct use of "rid of"

Why is "sad" not a verb? [closed]

adverbs after linking verbs

Adverb vs. Adjective use [closed]

The verb "to get" + particle ...?

What kind of verb classification is "causative"?

Is "something red" an example of ellipsis or adjectival positioning

Can the noun eyewitness be used properly without a preceding article?