New posts in particles

"I let him do it" and "I allow him to do it", why exactly does one require 'to'?

When should I add "to" before an infinitive in a parallelism sentence?

Fitting largest circle in free area in image with distributed particle

Particle or preposition?

Can we use two verbs together? [duplicate]

meaning of OUT as in "ACTING OUT IN CLASS"

What's the difference between "a year", "per year" and "out of a year"?

Should I use "in most case", "in most cases", "in the most case", or "in the most cases"? [closed]

Is the verb "Go" always followed by "to" when talking about a place/location?

Is it correct to say "John helps you talk with people"? [duplicate]

"Helping you do something" or "Helping you to do something"? [duplicate]

"put X down to" vs. "put down X to": subjects of verbs with two particles

In "go to sleep", is "to" a particle or a preposition?

“To enable him to escape” vs. “to enable him escape”

Do I need to add "to" in every clause in this sentence?

without infinitive [duplicate]

The verb "to get" + particle ...?

Infinitive without "to"? [duplicate]

"... help me find" vs. "... help me to find" [duplicate]

invert the direction of a particles in matlab