New posts in attachment-ambiguity

Word being modified by whose

Is this sentence from Andrew Carnegie ambiguous? [duplicate]

Does "almost the first ten" mean "almost first" or "almost ten"?

Who is lost in thought in "I had no glimmer of what was in his mind, nor did he enlighten me, but sat lost in thought..."? [closed]

What is a relative pronoun's referent when it follows a prepositional phrase?

Five students visit three farmers in their village. their? [closed]

"Using" versus "with"

Paradoxical participle [duplicate]

How to remove attachment ambiguity?

Does an adjective before "or" apply to the noun that comes after "or"? [duplicate]

Antecedent of "naked" in "I would like to paint a picture of you naked"

Is "Betty learned that Albert telephoned after Isaiah visited" ambiguous?

What is funny in this paraprosdokian?

The farther a number is from 0 on its right... does 'its' refer to the number or 0? [closed]

How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

What is the name of the ambiguity in the phrase "I want to visit clubs with attractive women"?

Is there a name for this ambiguity problem or for the construction that solves it?

Does "I am eating vegan cheese in my underpants" really imply that the vegan cheese is inside my underpants?