What do you call the set definition part of a formula?

Suppose I have a formula with two parts: First is a description of the element and set on which an equation will depend, and the second is the equation itself.


First, the formula quantifies the element and set on which the equation depends: $$∀r∈R$$

Second, the formula shows the equation itself:

$$∑2r = 2∑r$$

Full formula:

$$∀r∈R, ∑2r = 2∑r$$

Is there a specific word/name for what we call that first part of the formula? Is it just the 'set definition' portion of the formula? I am a tech writer and it would be useful for me to know if there is an actual technical word for this or if i just have to resign to circumlocution.

Note: Please don't let my example formula (shown above) distract from my question. The actual formula itself doesn't matter. It could be any equation with any sets/elements. I'm just looking for words to describe what i'm writing.

Solution 1:

I believe you're looking for the term "quantifier". A first order logic system has formulas involving the universal quantifier $\forall$ "for all" and the existential quantifier $\exists$ "there exists", to relate a variable to a predicate formula.

A strict logic grammar will usually only use these to introduce the variable, and not associate a set also. But in math writing less focused on the logic structure itself, yes, we often see

$$ \forall v \in S: P(v) $$


$$ \forall v: v \in S \rightarrow P(v) $$


$$ \exists v \in S: Q(v) $$


$$ \exists v: v \in S \land Q(v) $$

Or similarly with $\subseteq$ in place of $\in$, and perhaps other simple restrictions. I think it would still be fine to call the initial part the "quantifier".