New posts in grammatical-person

Singular they = general they [duplicate]

(Mixing 1st/3rd Person in same sentence) Is anyone knowledgeable in this grammar?

"Me who is" or "me who am"?

The use of "who has" or "who have" in a sentence [duplicate]

Shouldn’t “art” be “is” in “Our Father who art in heaven”?

Subject-verb Concord [duplicate]

Logical/Etymological reason for unique conjugation of third person singular present tense

Is there a grammatical name for the third-person 'you'?

Important! Is there a term for misusing the pronoun “you”? [duplicate]

"Are either of you free?"

Did English ever have a "you" plural?

What form of the verb is used with compound subjects containing "or"?

"If I were you, I'd apologise to my/your mum"

May you please explain this?

Is "It is you who are mistaken!" correct? [duplicate]

Why is it not "Both of Yous", when we use "Both of You"? [duplicate]

One of us is wrong, aren't we?

What rules make “Remember me, who am your friend” grammatical?