New posts in cultural-phrases

Is there a simple word for a person born of immigrants?

What does "waste not, want not" mean? [closed]

How did the Idiom "Tit for Tat "get the current usage? [closed]

What is the English equivalent of 干物女 (dried fish woman)?

Ruining the family name [closed]

What does "cup and Chaucer" mean?

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Simpson - Using husband's first/last name for wife?

When did "Alright?" become a greeting in UK English?

What should one call his or her mother-in-law? [closed]

To Break Bread -- the origin of the phrase

How can I translate "Jeitinho Brasileiro" into English?

English equivalent of "amae" (甘え) - the feeling of pleasurable dependence on another person

Is saying 'who cares' rude or maybe even disrespectful?

What is the difference between Seventh Heaven and Cloud Nine?

What is the origin/history of "you do you" (or "do you")?

What is the correct phrase to ask to determine which group a first nations person considers themselves to be part of?

What did Steve Jobs mean by “Technology married with Liberal Arts” in his last speech?

What does “Commander-in-Soy” versus “alpha” mean?

Why Cosmonaut, not Astronaut?

How did "gesundheit" work its way into common American usage?