How can I translate "Jeitinho Brasileiro" into English?

Jeitinho Brasileiro can be literally translated to "Brazilian way to do things"! Wikipedia has an article about it.

There are various meaning to this expression and one gives the idea of "Malandragem". I want to know an english expression that can pass the same idea of this expression, that is: in an imaginative and dubious way, you circumventing a rule not in fact violating it.

This is a rea example of Jeitinho Brasileiro. There is a law that every cultural event needs create 50% of discount to students. But businessmen created an imaginative way to solve it. Put the price of ticket in $100 then create a promotion: If you give one kilo of food, you will win 50% of discount. But if you are a student, you pay your 50% of discount in the full price. Everyone has discount, but in fact, no one has it! How can I call what he did?

The Brazilian version of Blame it on Lisa from The Simpsons uses this expression, but the original version is:

Bart: Hey, look! There's Copacabana beach! The heart and soul of Rio!
Lifeguard: Excuse me, Americans!
Homer: How did you know?
Lifeguard: There is a dress code on this beach. But we can help you.
Bart: I feel so European.

When the lifeguard says "But we can help you.", in Portuguese he say "But we have the Jeitinho Brasileiro". This doesn't help to much.

So, what expression can I translate it in English with? What expression do you use when someone is being malandro with you?

I asked a local Brazilian and she said that the phrase is more commonly used to just mean the Brazilian way of doing things:

We put garlic in our rice; it's just the Brazilian Way.

When I mentioned the specific meaning you were aiming for she frowned and took offense. And then offered these suggestions:

Opportunist — unprincipled resourceful person: somebody who takes advantage of something, especially somebody who does so in a devious, unscrupulous, or unprincipled way

Shyster — unethical person: an unscrupulous person, especially a lawyer or political representative

Adding a few of my own:

Circumventing — get around restriction: to find a way of avoiding restrictions imposed by a rule or law without actually breaking it

Loophole — gap in law: a small mistake or omission in a rule or law that allows it to be circumvented

Workaround — way to bypass a problem: a technique that enables somebody to overcome a problem without actually putting things right

In case you would be interested in a culturally neutral term (and this sort of behaviour is far from being idiosyncratically Brazilian):


someone who finagles i.e uses dishonest or devious methods to bring something about

snollygoster - a loanword from a German phrase meaning quick-witted and by extension shrewd and unprincipled (and therefore usually reserved for politicians).

A good metaphor that may apply is monkey business.

monkey business: improper or underhanded conduct; trickery.

Being a dual citizen and having lived equally in both countries, I'd like to throw in some thoughts:

  • I can relate to @MrHen acquaintance to taking offense to the OPs way of explaining it. It's not about breaking the rules to cheat people out of their hard earned money.
  • I also relate to the example of the rice. It can be about doing something that only Brazilians do so.
  • "jeitinho" is also used to the same way as "Spit and baling wire"
  • I don't believe "jeitinho" and "malandragem" should be associated. The latter implies a harsher degree of breaking the rules.
  • Lastly, Wikipedia does a great job of adding context to "jeitinho" which is very important since it carries so much culture with it. I really like this take on it:

savvy, cunning, or sly individuals who use common sense and prior knowledge, as well as naturally gifted intelligence in their thought processes