Is it possible to use "recipe" as an adjective as in the following sentence:

These are some reciptial suggestions for you.
(These set of suggestions are like a recipe to your problems.)

What other word can I use if the example above is erroneous?

There is no common adjective formed from recipe. There might be an uncommon one listed in some dictionaries, but the OED has neither recipial nor recipital.

However, English allows us to use nouns as noun modifiers in many cases. Recipe ideas and recipe suggestions are both familiar phrases, but they mean ideas for recipes etc, which is not what you are talking about.

In fact, your recipe to your problems does not make sense to me: a recipe in its transferred sense is a set of steps to achieve something; that is different from a solution to a problem. You would have to say something like

Here are some suggestions which may give you a recipe for solving your problems.

From recipe's synonyms you can use:




These are some formulaic suggestions for you.

These are some prescriptive suggestions for you.

Main Entry: rec·i·pe Pronunciation: \ˈre-sə-(ˌ)pē\ Function: noun Etymology: Latin, take, imperative of recipere to take, receive — more at receive Date: 1584 1 : prescription 4a 2 : a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients 3 : a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something

From Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary