New posts in surnames

Did "brushwoodsmen" exist?

How to abbreviate "deLuze" [duplicate]

Why do we write the surname before the first name when writing someone's name?

Adjective or words to describe a family name evoking a specific origin?

Why isn't Robert Mueller's last name pronounced like Ferris Bueller's? [closed]

What is the 'last_name, first_name' format called?

Capitalisation of foreign names

Why is the Turkish president's surname is spelt in English as Erdogan, with g?

How does one address a blended family in which the members have different surnames?

What term to use to refer to a late husband's last name after marrying again and taking the new husband's name?

Why do we write "Fourier's law" but "Soret effect"?

Is there a word for a last name that is also a word? If so, what is it?

The correct way to write 'The Morgans" on a sign? [duplicate]

Initials of surnames with Saint (St.)

How to refer to a 'second' last name or family name?

Is it necessary to capitalize the surname if it is used in isolation from the rest of the name (if it is not capitalized within the name itself)?

Is it okay to ignore putting periods between initials?

Etymology of the name "Stimpson"

Addressing a person by their last name only [closed]

Specific word denoting the name of a person who has no last name