New posts in consonants

Why is the word "folks" pronounced [foʊks]?

'Travel' - Place of articulation of /t/

What were the British equivalents of Webster's dictionary and the Simplified Spelling Board that standardized spelling and usage?

Words starting with a 'gw' sound: how many exist? Where do they come from?

How do Americans pronounce "it would", "it was", etc.?

/z/ + /ð/ = /zdð/?

does the /d/ in the [nd] combo tend to be unreleased?

How to pronounce the "v" sound?

Why isn't the ‘P’ in psychology pronounced? [duplicate]

Is the voicing voiceless consonants common in the US?

L in the middle of a word: dark l or light l?

How did words like rubbish, ribbon and cabbage get "BB"?

Is there a word spelled with a silent B at the start?

What English word has the most consecutive consonants?

Why doesn't English employ an H in front of Ares?

French speaker here — How to pronounce "r" and "l"?

Why does the diphthong /aʊ/ not occur before /k/, /m/, /p/, /b/, /g/ etc?

Are there many -tion words that sound like 'vision'?

When does "e" at the end of a noun change it to a verb?

Is "question" pronounced with an "s" or with an "sh" sound?