New posts in spelling-pronunciations

NATO and US Finance Spelling alphabets - Which is more commonly used in everyday situations?

What is "Gatcha" short for? [closed]

Diacritics or meaning difference for deja vu

Different pronunciation of "o" in done, lone and gone

pronunciation of climbing

How to pronounce plural of "corps"

Why is "reconciliation" spelt with one L, and not two?

Voiced sounds after voiced and unvoiced after unvoiced

Confusing 'r' sounds

How to pronounce "often" [duplicate]

What effect do neighboring vowel-letters have on the pronunciation of the letters "sc" in a word?

Why is "Theresa" pronounced with the plosive /t/?

Why is the accent on "petrol" and "patrol" different?

Reengineering or re-engineering? [closed]

Differing pronunciations of "divisive"

Pronunciation of "often" [duplicate]

Why do some words use duplicate letters seemingly without reason?

How to pronounce -on endings?

Two 'x's in "anti-vaxxer"

How to best correctly spell this sound?