New posts in received-pronunciation

pronouncing "l" as a vowel

Pronouncing -ed when it comes after a voiced final consonant

Received Pronunciation and ambiguity (users vs uses)

British politicians pronouncing "hear, hear" oddly

Did the modern British accent originate from a speech impediment? [closed]

Does English really have triphthongs?

Why is "Theresa" pronounced with the plosive /t/?

Can vs that ( /kæn/ vs /ðæt/ )

Why do they use "received" in "received pronunciation" instead of "official pronunciation"?

Is /ɜː/ realized as schwa [ə] in British English?

Pronunciation of "again"

How common is yod-coalescence in modern RP?

What is the name of the phoneme produced in an upper-class Briton's pronunciation of the word "Duke"? What's different in the articulation?

Does "fathers" in RP exclude R and unvoice the S?

Is a schwa ever stressed?

What does the term "liaison" amount to in the English language as regards the particular accent called Received Pronunciation?

Do accents still play a role in British class distinctions to the present day? How have things changed since the 1960s and Received Pronunciation?

Why is the 'w' silent in "sword"?

How can “Harold” and “Herald” ever sound the same?