New posts in diacritics

SQLite accent-insensitive search

PHP: Replace umlauts with closest 7-bit ASCII equivalent in an UTF-8 string

How to convert letters with accents, umlauts, etc to their ASCII counterparts in Perl?

Accent insensitive search query in MySQL

Diacritics or meaning difference for deja vu

Why is "sauté" spelled with an accent and "repartee" not?

Two dots on the "i" instead of one? [duplicate]

What is the name of this type of mark?

Is there an equivalent of diaeresis, but for consonants?

how to convert unicode to german umlauts with sql query SQL Server

How come in English we don't put symbols above our letters to change how they are pronounced? [duplicate]

MacOSX: how to disable accented characters input

How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs'

Python and character normalization

How to change diacritic characters to non-diacritic ones [duplicate]

pronouncing -ó in poetry [duplicate]

"Accentuation signals" in English

Usage of macrons in Latin loanwords

Why can't I use accented characters next to a word boundary?

What do the letters ï and ô mean? [duplicate]