New posts in unicode

Can I set font fallbacks in PuTTy?

How to export Outlook email body to a Unicode text file?

What is this mix of Chinese/Arabic/Korean/Japanese user owning a process listening on port 139?

How can I avoid broken languages when unzipping unicode files?

How to determine if a String contains invalid encoded characters

How to read text files with ANSI encoding and non-English letters?

Fancy colored rendering issue on osx 10.8 retina with iTerm

TextEdit removes Byte-Order-Mark (BOM) from Unicode/UTF files. How to fix?

chr() equivalent returning a bytes object, in py3k

How to recognize if a string contains unicode chars?

Where can I find the Unicode Emoticon set?

How do I remove non-ASCII characters from filenames?

Displaying Korean characters properly on a computer with English Windows XP

Korean characters not appearing in Korean Windows XP computer

Fonts and different glyphs

Why does base64.b64encode() return a bytes object?

How to find out number/name of unicode character in Python?

In utf-8 collation, why 11- is less then 1-?

How can I display Font Awesome fonts in Character Map?

Ubuntu logo into Unicode table