New posts in special-characters

Post UTF-8 encoded data to server loses certain characters

Script to convert ext4 filenames to NTFS

jQuery: Check if special characters exists in string

Add a special character on keypress not working

How do I type the backtick / Grave accent character on a (UK) Windows 8 touch keyboard?

Search special characters or short mathematical symbols in pdf files

Ubuntu logo into Unicode table

curl / wget is adding an extra ^M when I append data to a file

How to escape dollar sign ($) in a string using perl regex

Replace string with proper tab character in Notepad++

Matching special characters and letters in regex

Using box-drawing Unicode characters in batch files

Why are extended ASCII values on my computer accurate until 188?

Should we HTML-encode special characters before storing them in the database?

Browser displays � instead of ´

How to change ajax-charset?

How to escape a square bracket for Pattern compilation?

Why is so hard to use the dash character?

CSV files cant store special characters?

How to type a caron char with qwerty keyboard?