New posts in find-and-replace

Notepad++: Add leading zero(s) to lines but up to 9 digits

Find and replace block of text (with other blocks of text) in multiple files [closed]

What is the easiest way to do PCRE-style regexp search/replace for MS Word?

Replacing all special/accented characters with equivalent regular characters in Notepad++

How do I remove the blank spaces before a certain character using notepad++

Replace string with proper tab character in Notepad++

Replace a block of numbers in sed

using sed to replace two patterns within a larger pattern

How to use Find to highlight words and retain highlighting?

Replace [[Word]] with a word from another file

Replace a regular expression within vim with an output produced by a console command with the expression as its argument?

How to extract numbers from string and separate them by comma (or other separator) (substitute, replace, erase, isnumber, remove, delete, ...)

Using search and replace to remove line breaks in Open Office

How can I “replace all” in Acrobat Pro DC?

Deleting text between brackets in notepad++

Replacing last character at the end of each line in a file

Find and replace multiple blank lines

Multiple find and replace in a word document

How to replace Unicode Character in Notepad++

Excel Smart Find and Replace only specific characters