New posts in newlines

Prevent Outlook from adding line breaks

Trim trailing newline in one-liner bash alias

newline in bash variable

How can I make a newline in an Calc formula?

Deleting text between brackets in notepad++

Vim: auto-comment in new line

Excel: Sum all numbers separated by new line within cell

Replace with a newline

Sublime Text 2 - insert breaks to match current wrapping?

Wrong newline character over serial port (CR instead of LF)

new line in heredoc disappearing in file

Notepad++ Delete Lines with Find & Replace

Grep multiline pattern

Is VIM adding the Windows newlines?

Join lines inside paragraphs in vim

Insert a newline in a perl -e statement?

PuTTY: connected to some Ubuntu server, sometimes stops going to a new line when pressing enter

How do I interactively type \r\n-terminated query in netcat?

How to print new line character with echo?

Copy multiple lines from Windows Command prompt without forced newlines