New posts in worksheet-function

How to create an excel report by month

How can I copy a column from one sheet to another sheet based on title in Excel?

Count occurrences of "Monday" in a different sheet from a given date range

Summing multiple cells that match row AND column criteria?

Formula for finding 'near perfect' matches [duplicate]

Which Worksheet Functions can return an Array

Counter in Excel

Circular reference that can't be shown

How to create a column in Excel that tracks when data was input in a neighboring cell?

Excel- Add sequential names to column based off of named range but skip names if duplicate name exists in adjacent column

How to extract characters from a cell in Excel?

How do you combine IF, AND and NOT statements in Microsoft excel

Extract last word from a sentence minus any end punctuation

Excel Cost Tracking Equation

Count rows where several values appear together

VLOOKUP record with latest date

LARGE function throws error

Concatenate cells but exclude empties in Excel [duplicate]

Formula that looks at value in a cell and depending on what the value is

how can I add an AND function into an IF nest within Excel to check multiple cells