New posts in spreadsheet

Combine one set of time series data with another when some dates are missing in one data set

Apple numbers: How can I create a filtered column (B) with only unique values from column (A)?

Handle pasting of decimal with dot (1.7) when locale is expecting comma (1,7)

Counter in Excel

How do I copy specific selected data between cells in a CSV file in Excel or Notepad++?

Making a cell mandatory based on previous cell entry

How do I read old star office 5.x spreadcheet documents today? (*.sdc)

How to find cells that reference the current cell in LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet?

Insert big text into multiply rows by keyword into Excel or google spreadsheets

Formula to add X months to a date?

CONCATENATE cells in a column IF condition in other colum is met

Swap rows in gnumeric

In Open Office, make 1st row of data "scroll lock" so it is always visible as you scroll down?

Image file to spreadsheet

Spreadsheet (Excel, Google Docs etc), extracting value separated by comma

How to make a pivot table that counts from multiple columns?

In Excel, copying cell *values* (not formulas)... yet keeping the cell formats

PHPExcel very slow - ways to improve?

How do you find the maximum value in a column, skipping to every nth value?

Append three columns in LibreOffice