How do you find the maximum value in a column, skipping to every nth value?

Solution 1:

You can just keep comparing the current week's value with the previous week's maximum value.

For the first week, use a formula of the pattern =this week's value

First week's formula

For every other week use a formula =MAX(this week's value,last week's maximum)

Other weeks' formula

Because the relative positions are the same as you go down, you can copy this formula to all the other cells. In this example, you can select one blank cell and three cells with formulas, copy, then select the next blank cell to the final cell you want to contain a formula, then paste.

Solution 2:

In Excel you could use an "array formula" like this to get max value for "A"


confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

AS you add more data for each week the max value would update

I don't know whether this works in libreoffice......