memtest86+ error explosion, and then nothing

It is possible that the memory seating had problems for a while.
You activity with the memory modules get it working again.
I have seen this happen (in exactly the way you describe).

Additionally, there was also a case when the PC would just not boot and declared memory failures. Removing the replacing the memories made it work fine (and completely pass the memtest).

I wonder these days if part of the PC cleanup activity should also include cleaning the card (memory and other PCI) contacts... suggestions on this are welcome.

This sort of behavior can also be caused by a bad power supply or CPU (or even an overheating one that's not actually bad). It could also be a bad motherboard.

If the problems go away after reseating the RAM, than that's well and good.

I was not so lucky, in my case it turned out to be an unstable power supply.