Using Google sheets (or Excel if Google sheets can't do it). I'm trying to concatenate any cell in B column, if its corresponding A cell is "include". The columns are very long and therefore I don't want to do a long list of IF statements.

include red
exclude blue
include green
exclude yellow

In this example, the results should be: redgreen

Solution 1:

In Excel 2019/365 you can do:


In Google Sheets:


For Excel 2010 (I think):


entered with CRTL+SHIFT+ENTER because it is an array formula. If your data are not starting in A1, then you need to modify this more:

=CONCAT(IFERROR( INDEX(B1:B4,(2*(A1:A4="include")-1)*(ROW(A1:A4)-ROW(A1)+1),1),""))

Change the ranges to where A1:A4 and B1:B4 really are and set ROW(A1) to the first row of the data.

NB: replace formula comma separators with semi-colons (;) depending on Excel installed language.