New posts in google-spreadsheets

Insert big text into multiply rows by keyword into Excel or google spreadsheets

EXCEL : Hyperlinked dynamic index

CONCATENATE cells in a column IF condition in other colum is met

Conditional borders in Google SpreadSheet

How do I subtract some values based on the text value of a different column?

Spreadsheet (Excel, Google Docs etc), extracting value separated by comma

How to make a pivot table that counts from multiple columns?

I want to count IF both condition are true Logically count by AND excel

How to "Round half to Even"?

Can I configure MacOS to open CSV and Excel files in Google Sheets?

Multiple worded cell contents put into one cell

How to auto-fill a numbered series WITHOUT a mouse (keyboard only) on Google Sheets [closed]

Extracting email from text string in excel/google spreadsheet

Smooth Scrolling in Google Sheets [closed]

Insert text to the beginning of every Cell in a Column

Count substring occurrences within a cell

Can you convert an address to a zip code in a spreadsheet?

Equivalent for FILTER() formula in Libre Office

How do I append a character to the end of every line in an Excel cell?

Date based sum in Excel / Google Docs spreadsheets