New posts in openoffice-calc calc: how to dynamically update a data range for a graph?

Handle pasting of decimal with dot (1.7) when locale is expecting comma (1,7)

Autocomplete only on demand in OpenOffice Calc

Open Office crashes, recovers, crashes again

Removing functions from a column, but keeping data (convert to normal text)?

How to create diagram in spreadsheet with dates on x-axis?

Inserting an image into a Calc cell

In OpenOffice Calc, how do I drag and drop cells to insert rather than replace their destination?

OpenOffice Calc: reduce file size when saving as Excel

Modify value of a cell using the old value as part of the new one?

Both '.' and ',' for decimal separator in LibreOffice Calc?

OpenOffice Calc weighted average

Saving to CSV file always adds quotation marks in OpenOffice

How can I make a newline in an Calc formula?

Export spreadsheet and import as table into mysql

Cell value string to Int in OpenOffice Calc?

Permanently and globally stop openoffice calc from autocorrecting dates/time

Spreadsheet forumula questions to pick a random DVD

Move rows with the keyboard in Calc

extract number from cell in openoffice calc