New posts in url-rewriting

Using mod rewrite to change URL with username variable

How do I do URL rewriting in php?

SEO Friendly URL

htaccess code to remove extension AND add+force trailing slash?

HOSTS File Edit in Windows 7 Not Effective - Pinging URL Still Shows Original IP Address

How can I include special characters in query strings?

A script for Violentmonkey to automatically add something to the end of all wikia URLs?

URL Rewriting in .Net MVC

.htaccess 301 redirect for all https to http EXCEPT ONE PAGE

Can I use commas in a URL?

Replacing IIS rewrite rules in web.config transform

One redirect to rule them all

htaccess Redirect (Rewrite) if a param NOT exist

How to replace underscore to dash with Nginx

Hiding for backend pools in Application Gateway

Apache: edit to .conf file produces "Invalid command 'Header'"

NGINX - Return 301 vs Rewrite

Convert to lowercase in a mod_rewrite rule

How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs'

htaccess 301 redirect - Remove query string (QSA)