Elided Compound or Simple sentence

In the example

  1. "He gave Tom a cycle and Jack a bike"

Is this a simple sentence or an elided (stripping) compound sentence which can be expanded to “He gave Tom a cycle and he gave Jack a bike.” Similarly, in the example:

  1. "He will do it on Monday and not Tuesday"

Will this be classified as a simple sentence or an elided compound (Not-stripping ellipsis) to expand to “He will do it on Monday and he will not do it on Tuesday.”

Above is a tree of your first example: enter image description here

Your second example would be analysed the same way, with the coordinates being the two NPs "Monday" and "not Tuesday", serving as complement of the prep "on".

I think this is much better than saying we have a coordination of VPs (or clauses), with ellipsis within the second coordinate.