New posts in present-perfect-vs-simple-past

Might be OR Might have been [closed]

American native speaker and perfect tenses

Double present perfect in a compound sentence [closed]

"Your message was deleted" vs. "your message has been deleted" [duplicate]

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect for recently completed actions [duplicate]

'have been' vs. 'went' with time words

What’s the difference: "I didn’t do anything" vs "I haven’t done anything"

Use didn't leave yet, or haven't left yet? Can we use ''YET'' in past tense or not? [closed]

Past perfect instead of past simple in fiction

I have gone shopping or I went shopping

Present perfect - indefinite time

"Value was fetched successfully" or "Value is fetched successfully"? [duplicate]

Present Perfect vs. Simple Past: Are the solutions supplied by an English website correct?

Is using "since" and "ago" with the present perfect correct? [duplicate]

Difference between had survived, has survived and survived [duplicate]

What is the difference between "is having" and "has" in this sentence? [duplicate]

"Have you washed it" vs "Did you wash it"? [duplicate]

“COVID-19 changed / has changed / has been changing the everyday life of people” [duplicate]

What's the difference between simple past and present prefect? I quite have a doubt with the below statements. Do they convey the same meaning?

Present perfect or simple past with "for the last twenty minutes"?