Use didn't leave yet, or haven't left yet? Can we use ''YET'' in past tense or not? [closed]

My knowledge of English grammar is very basic. I learned English mostly from movies and a lot of times I choose a specific way to say something in English based on intuition or the feeling that it seems right, but I get confused sometimes.

A friend is coming to a meeting. He was late, and I thought he was still at his house. What is the right way to say the following sentence, and why?

It seems you didn't leave yet


It seems you haven't left yet

Solution 1:

The choice here is pretty close. The negative simple past ("you didn't leave") says that an event did not happen in the past while the negative past perfect says that an event didn't complete in the past ("you haven't left").

In this case, it pretty much amounts to saying the same thing in different ways, and both would be likely from native speakers. I think I would be slightly more likely to say "you haven't left" because I'm more likely to be interested in the change of state (are they still here or not?) than the event of leaving, but there isn't much to choose between them here.