New posts in present-perfect-vs-simple-past

How is the present perfect “connected” with the present?

Why present perfect in "How many points have you scored this season"? [duplicate]

Why is using "have" or "have had" necessary? [duplicate]

How to say that something happened in the past while emphasizing that it is not finished yet?

I've just bought vs. I just bought vs. I bought [duplicate]

Present Perfect or simple past?

Is "I just spent all my money" grammatically incorrect? [duplicate]

What is the difference between "Look who has decided to show up" and "Look who decided to show up"? [duplicate]

Difference between 'haven't ...yet' and 'didn't.... yet'

Using Present Perfect for past experiences

Is the passive constructed correctly: "The city will have been being locked down for 15 days from tomorrow"? [duplicate]

"…didn't finish…yet" versus "…haven't finished…yet"

“Have you seen...” or “Did you see...?”

"Did it close" vs "Has it closed"? [duplicate]

"Has changed since March 1" vs "Changed on March 1"

Is there any difference between "has gone" and "went" in this context?

“have found” vs. “found”

"I’ve just arrived" vs. "I just arrived": Are they both correct? Do they mean the same thing? [duplicate]

What's the difference between “(Had he not made / If he didn't make) a good impression, he wouldn't be a star today”?

“Has been” vs. “was”