New posts in indirect-speech

Introducing reported speech- has said/ said

Indirect, quoted speech: He's all

Question about tenses used in Seinfeld show: "what you were doing tomorrow night"

That's What She Said Quote

Indirect speech using "which"

Is there a name for this type of double speak?

Reported Speech: preference for using that after say/tell

Is there a grammatical form that helps you to express that you don't believe the speaker? (reported speech)

Can I use the word "must" in subjunctive mood?

Direct Speech: the subordinator "that" before the reported clause

Reported Speech "Will" vs "Would"

How to change following sentence into Reported Speech? [closed]

A bit confused! does indirect speech apply to other verbs such as "think", "hope",.. instead of "say"?

Would like in the passive voice

sentence structure and sequence of tense

Indirect speech for “Was there a chair there at the last lesson”

reporting past simple tense [closed]

She may have reasoned that it 'would have been' against her own economic self interest

Changing from indirect to direct speech [closed]

Reported speech: why is the past perfect the right answer here?