New posts in indirect-question

Is there a name for this type of double speak?

'Would/do you mind' + whether (polite indirect questions)

What is the grammatical function of 'where to meet them' in this sentence?

How to write a sentence containing a question within it?

To answer indirect question starting with "Whether" using "Yes" or "No" [closed]

Compound interrogative pronouns

Alternative to Indirect Questions

"What do you think" + Indirect question?

Word order for subordinate questions

Indirect questions: Can you explain how you will or how will you?

"Tell me why I should marry you" or "Tell me why should I marry you?". Which is correct? [duplicate]

Indirect "be" question; word order

I can't tell the difference between the area of where and the area where [closed]

Why do we put the verb to be at the end of these questions? [duplicate]

Long subjects in indirect questions

What is the correct punctuation for an indirect question?

Should an embedded question be set in quotation marks?

Inversion/non-inversion in wh-questions with long phrases after the wh-words

"I can't seem to" vs "I can't"

"What's" in indirect questions