New posts in tech-writing

How to name collection of web links? [closed]

What is the collective name for the power, volume, and/or function buttons on a tablet?

What can replace “consists of”?

Are these expressions to call of a particular kind of deviation right?

Use of personal pronouns in technical writing and possible alternatives

What’s the normal software-engineering adjective which means that a function tolerates bad input? [closed]

Adjective for a "expected" or "aspirational" version of a document?

Difference between "rule" and "law" in scientific context

Can I use "linkography" instead of "bibliography" when referring to web links?

To answer indirect question starting with "Whether" using "Yes" or "No" [closed]

"Discouraged to" vs. "Recommended to not"

What are these containers called?

An alternative to "normally"

Is it true that people are unfamiliar with abbreviations like "i.e." and "e.g." and therefore it is best to avoid using them? [closed]

Term for “preview entries” that web sites show on index pages?

Technical terms for user-website interaction

"As they are referred" vs. "As they appear" when we discuss terms and their definitions

Using the word "whether" instead of "which"

A word that means to both encrypt and decrypt [duplicate]

Is the term "step-action table" jargon?