Is the term "step-action table" jargon?

I'm an engineer. My doc team has been using step-action tables to create user-facing documentation for some software that I've built recently. I think these tables are awesome, but I keep seeing them prefixed with a sentence of the form:

The following step-action table contains the procedure for kerfumbulating the fooziewhatsits:

My question is: Should the term "step-action table" just be "table"?

Solution 1:

I'm a software engineer. I'm not clear on what you mean by "step-action table". I can infer it's definition from context, usage, and the definition of the component words. However, I think this places it clearly within the realm of jargon.

My question is: Should the term "step-action table" just be "table"?


Solution 2:

The term "Step/Action Table" is part of the Information Mapping way of presenting information. It provides a structure for stepping users of information through a process. It also serves as a structure to present information that can't/shouldn't be listed in bullet or numbered form - for different reasons. So the Title of the table can be "Step/Action" if you are using the Information Mapping format. Or just "Table". Whichever you want.